Caroline in Malawi

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A week to go!!

On my goodness, only one week to go. This time next week I will be in the air somewhere!!

I've now finished all my trainings and have one week to organise myself. Starting with a car booty tomorrow!!

I have a long list of things to do which keeps getting longer and I have planned a very busy week to keep me occupied.......

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

L Plates all the way!

Well here is a scary thought - I am now able to drive a motorbike in the streets of Britain, on my own with only L plates to protect me!! Not that I will be doing that in a hurry so you are all safe! I managed to complete the motorbike training but why anyone in their right mind would want to drive a bike in the pouring down rain in freezing conditions is beyond me!!

I was even able to go home a day and a half early cause I was so good! An the fact that I kept complaining about it being boring and really not enjoying it had nothing to do with it!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Definate date!

Sotty I guess I forgot to let people know this!! I am oficially leaving on Saturday 3rd Feb!! I have my tickets already! I fly from Edinburgh to London, then to South Africa and then finally Malawi!!!

Training, Training and more Training!

I'm here at VSO's training centre and I have completed one of my courses which was on Teacher Training. It was a really good course and I now feel that, with a bit of practise, I will actually be able to do my job in Malawi. Training is quite different to teaching children as I realise that I can't bribe adutls in the same way I would children!!!

I met loads of great poeple on the course who are all doing simliar things to me in various destinations around the globe. It is great to hear all their stories plus a few more holiday destinations for the future - although not sure about visiting the north of Cameroon where the staple diet might well be grass and sand!!! (Only joking Alex!!) Jennifer, one of the girls from the course actually lives and teachers in Musselburgh and started her teaching at the same time as me - a very small world indeed!! The photo is of the folk I meet on the Teacher Training course and yes I did take it so I couldn't be in it!!!!

I've completed the first day of my motorcycle training (well half a day as some boy needed to go out on the open road to get his licence part and I am no way near ready to do that yet.) I did ok but was really good at stalling the bike. I managed an incredible speed of 10 miles per hour before bottleing it!! They say that in Malawi my nearest internet access in 1-2 hours away - well at my speed try 3-4 days away!! I'm sure I'll improve tomorrow - I'll need to or I won't be going anywhere.....

I'm away to read the course stuff as everyone else is in their training sessions. I've met a few folk who are heading to Malawi as well which is great. One of them is a surgeon which will be all good if I fall off my bike - only slight hitch is that is will be 7 hours away at normal speed!!

All for now and sorry for the spelling mistakes but this is the second time of typing this entry as the pop ups are blocked for the spell check and I lost the last entry to cyber-space!!

Caz xx