Caroline in Malawi

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where is Jambo when I need him?

Been in Jonathan’s house for 3 weeks now and it is actually quite a nice house. Before we left for Uganda we had agreed with George that my one bag of maize was to remain in Jonathan’s house and be kept there until it is needed when the shortages start. It is really being kept at his house to stop George using it all for himself! Anyway the only place that was suitable was the spare room. It was put up on bricks and packed with a foul smelling chemical to keep away the weevils.

I wasn’t that keen as I’m sure that this might attract the mice but I was assured that as it was only one bag it would be quite ok. So we appeared back from holiday and needless to say that George has moved in all of his maize into the spare room – 10 bags in total. He was still trying to smuggle it in but we sent him packing with the remaining 4 bags. I was really not happy about this as a) the smell was awful of these bloody chemicals and b) the fact that mice would soon appear.

Of course I was right – just a few days ago I was in bed reading a book, when a little mouse pops his head into the room to say hello. Jonathan, being the animal lover that he is, decided not to get poison but to get this gum stuff that you put on wood and place food near it. The idea being that the mice stick to the gum then you can pull them off and set them free. At this point I really don’t care if they live or die as long as they shift from the house. So the trap was set and bread was placed strategically along this bit of wood. Surprise, surprise in the morning all of the bread was gone but no little mice were stuck to the gum. Failed!! Upon rooting about it is apparent that these mice are setting up camp in the maize and they certainly won’t be going hungry this year! George is being told to remove all bags of maize when he returns from visiting his family next week.

It gets worse though. Mice I can just about cope with, all that experience in the student flats but rats are another thing.

It now turns out that the house also has a few rats running about in it – mainly in the kitchen. I haven’t seen them but the expression on Jonathan’s face said it all the other day in the kitchen. Stuff this animal loving gum nonsense. At the first opportunity the rat poison is going down and we are going to kill them all. Apparently the stuff is called Temic and is lethal to all. There are several cases of people being poisoned after a fight and then ending up dead a few days later in the hospital! I used it last year to get rid of the mice and it worked wonders – George caught 10 dead ones after just 2 days. So this time without the aid of Jambo, the war on the vermin has begun………..


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